Use DataGrail to manage site tracking consent.
DataGrail Consent is an integrated Consent Management Platform (CMP) that integrates directly with Google Tag Manager. DataGrail adjusts your Analyze and/or Optimize tracking default settings based on the location of the site visitor (and what consent policy applies to them) and their consent choice (through the banner notice that appears on your site or a universal opt-out signal).
Before you get started
Make sure you’ve configured and published
Google Tag Manager
on your
Webflow site. You don’t need any additional tags or variables set
within the container. You’ll also need to create a DataGrail account.
Connect DataGrail Consent to Webflow
To connect DataGrail Consent to Webflow:
- Log into DataGrail and click the Integrations tab
- Choose Create new integration
- Search for Webflow
- Choose Consent management as the only capability
- Give the integration a name (e.g., Webflow) — you can edit this later
- Choose Login to configure and authenticate with your Webflow account
- Choose the sites where you want to install DataGrail Consent
- Click Authorize App
Connect DataGrail Consent with Google Tag Manager
If you’ve never used DataGrail Consent, you’ll need to connect your Google Tag Manager account to DataGrail and select the container installed on your Webflow site. You can follow DataGrail’s guide to setting up DataGrail Consent with Google Tag Manager to get started.
Then, use the Google site tools for Webflow App to integrate Google Tag Manager directly, or follow Webflow’s Google Tag Manager setup guide if you’d prefer to manually configure Google Tag Manager.
Once you’ve set up DataGrail Consent with Google Tag Manager, you’ll need to enable DataGrail to manage Webflow Analyze and Optimize:
- Return to DataGrail
- Go to Consent management > Containers > Settings
- Toggle Manage Webflow tracking settings to on
Publish DataGrail Consent updates to Google Tag Manager containers
- Go to Consent management > Containers
- Click Review and update
- Choose Create and publish version(s), or choose Create version(s) if you want to create a version without publishing to test the setup using Google Tag Assistant
DataGrail Consent will manage consent preferences for Webflow Analyze & Optimize on your site. In Google Tag Manager, you’ll find two new tags: Consent Banner (DataGrail’s consent code) and DataGrail Webflow Plugin (DataGrail’s code that manages Webflow Analyze & Optimize).
Test DataGrail Consent on your site
To confirm DataGrail Consent is working as expected:
- Go to your published Webflow site
- Choose Accept essential trackers only from the consent banner
- Open the browser console and paste:
The console should return true. If it returns null, Webflow is tracking your device for this session. If Webflow continues to track your device:
- Clear your cookies and browsing data
- Confirm the Google Tag Manager container contains the two DataGrail tags: Consent Banner and DataGrail Webflow Plugin
- Confirm the Google Tag Manager container is live
If the issue persists, please contact DataGrail Support. For more information, visit the DataGrail Consent docs.