Learn how to report trademark infringement and request the removal of infringing content.
Webflow respects the intellectual property rights of others and requires our users to do the same. If you believe that content hosted on a Webflow site infringes your trademark rights, you can submit a trademark takedown request to have the content removed.
Submit a trademark takedown request
To submit a trademark takedown request, please fill out this form on our support page.
What happens after you submit a trademark takedown request
After you submit the trademark takedown request form, we’ll assess your notice to ensure it meets the necessary requirements. If your notice is valid, we’ll remove or disable access to the infringing material. After removing or disabling the content, we’ll notify the owner of the Webflow site about the takedown and provide them with a copy of your notice. The site owner may submit a counter-notification if they believe the content was removed in error.
Submitting a false or misleading trademark takedown notice can have legal consequences. Ensure all information is accurate and that you have the right to submit the request.