Create or edit an optimization click goal


Learn how to define a new, custom goal that tracks the clickable page elements you select.

If you want to measure results against specific elements on the page, you can create a custom click goal that targets one or more buttons and links on the page. You can then set the new click goal as the primary goal if you’d like to optimize for the targeted elements. For example, you might want to view results for or optimize against visitors clicking three "Contact us" buttons on the webpage.

For traditional test optimizations, set your goals before launching to maintain the data’s integrity.

How to create a click goal

Open the optimization in edit mode, then:

  1. Click the Optimizations dropdown in the top bar
  2. Click Settings & goals
  3. Click Add click goal
  4. Enter a goal name
  5. Click Create
  6. Click one or more outlined elements to track them
  7. For components, click Just this instance or All instances of CTA to track one or all instances
  8. Click Done at the top
  9. Optional: Set the new click goal as the primary goal to optimize for this goal
  10. Publish the site for the new click goal to begin tracking data

How to edit a click goal

Good to know

It’s not possible to edit an AutoGoal. Instead, you can create a new click goal.

Open the optimization in edit mode, then:

  1. Click the Optimizations dropdown in the top bar
  2. Click Settings & goals
  3. Mouse over a click goal and click the Options icon
  4. Click Update goal elements
  5. Click additional outlined elements to track them
  6. Click the X next to a tracked element’s “Added to goal” label to stop tracking it
  7. Click Done
  8. Publish the site for the click goal changes to begin tracking data

Special handling to track buttons and links within a variation

If you want to create a click goal that tracks a button/link that you will make variations of, it’s recommended that you create the click goal before you create button/link variants. If you create the click goal first, your variations will inherit the click goal and automatically track each button/link variant.

If you create button/link variants before creating the click goal, you might have to open each variation while editing the click goal to add each button/link variant as a tracked element to successfully track all instances of the buttons/links.

To spot check if your button/link variants are tracked in the click goal:

  1. Edit the click goal
  2. Switch variations using the Optimizations dropdown in the top bar
  3. Check that each button/link has the “Added to goal” label — if not, click the button/link to add it

Targeting CMS collection list elements

Elements added to one collection item are populated to all collection items in that collection list. Due to this behavior, if you add an element from one collection item to your click goal, all instances of that element are automatically added to the click goal — the element's counterpart in each collection item. It's not possible to refine which instances are included.

Additional info about click goals

  • It’s not yet possible to delete a goal — instead, you can choose another goal as the primary goal
  • Only elements that are outlined can be targeted in a click goal at this time
  • Click goals are local to the optimization where you create them (i.e., they can’t be reused in another optimization)
  • A click goal conversion is counted once per session (i.e., if a visitor clicks multiple targeted elements for a click goal in their session, only one conversion is counted for that click goal)