An overview of Webflow Optimize's core concepts and functionality.
Just like with clothing, one size does not fit all regarding websites. What resonates with one visitor might not resonate with the next. With Webflow Optimize, you can personalize your website to the individual.
Rather than showing one version of your webpage to every visitor, optimizations let you show alternate versions of webpages to different visitors based on who they are or how they interact with your site. Dynamically personalizing your website can drive engagement and boost conversions, helping you achieve your goals more efficiently.

(Optimizations can show alternate versions of page elements to visitors.)
What's a conversion?
A conversion is when a visitor completes the action that your webpage or website is trying to accomplish. For example, if your goal is for visitors to click a Subscribe button, then a conversion is counted when a visitor successfully clicks Subscribe.
You can leverage optimizations on your website to drive more conversions.
Optimizations contain variations
An optimization defines what you're changing on the page. The optimization contains variations, which are versions of the element(s) you want to present to visitors.
For example, if you want to show different headlines on the homepage, you’d first create an optimization for that headline, then make a new variation for each headline version.
Three approaches to optimization
You can run test optimizations and personalization optimizations, which both contain an AI-optimized mode.
Traditional test — a standard A/B test lets you test two or more versions of a page against each other. The traffic is often split evenly, and a single winner is found once statistical significance confirms which version performed best.
Manual personalization — rules-based personalization lets you define which visitors always see a specific version of the page. These optimizations run until you pause them.
AI-optimized — this mode leverages machine learning (AI) to figure out which variation works best for unique visitors, freeing up your time so you can focus on creating new ideas. The AI dynamically shows the variations that yield the most conversions, automatically adapting to visitor behavior as you add new variations or their interests change.