Href prefix


Use the href prefix setting in your Webflow site settings to combine Webflow Hosting with an existing hosting setup.

You can use the Href prefix setting in your Site settings to use Webflow Hosting in combination with an existing hosting setup. This sets a prefix for all internal page links.

For example, if you have a node.js / Ruby on Rails / Python application, or even an existing WordPress site, but you want to create a blog with Webflow CMS, you can set up a Webflow "sub-site" and use the href prefix to keep your links working.


Webflow doesn't provide support for reverse proxy, but our community is always available to help in the Forum.

How to have Webflow host a part of your website

In this example, let's say you have a blog you want to create in Webflow, but you want it to be served on the same domain as your main site.

  1. Create a site in Webflow. We'll call it for this example, you can call it whatever you'd like.
  2. Add a Site plan to this site
  3. Install a reverse proxy on top of your web server. You can use nginx, node-proxy, or rails-reverse-proxy, depending on what web server you use.
  4. Create a rule that proxies all requests to and* to the subdomain connected in Webflow such as "".
  5. Go to the Acme blog's Site settings > Custom code tab > Advanced settings
  6. Set the Href prefix to /blog. This will prefix all hrefs in your site to have "/blog," so the links are now relative to the domain.
  7. Publish your site

Good to know

This won't affect external links, mail or phone links, or links that get their value from the link, email, or phone fields.