Manage allowed domains for Analyze and Optimize


Learn how to add or remove domains and subdomains from the allowed domains list for Analyze and Optimize.

The allowed domains setting lets you allowlist different parts of your website (i.e., domains or subdomains) so that they're accessible to Analyze and Optimize. By adding a domain/subdomain to the list, Analyze and/or Optimize can track data on those webpages. Domains/subdomains not included on the list are excluded from having data tracked. Leveraging an allowed domains lists helps preserve data integrity and ensures you only collect data from the pages you want.

Good to know

Only site admins can adjust the site’s allowed domains settings.

Default domains are uneditable

By default, the staging and production domains added in the site’s settings are included on the allowed domains list. You cannot edit those domains or remove them from these settings.

Learn how to manage your site’s staging domain and production domain.

When would you exclude a domain/subdomain?

For Analyze, excluding a domain/subdomain means that metrics won’t be recorded for those pages. For Optimize, metrics won’t be collected and optimizations won’t run. You might want to exclude domains for:

  • Areas of your website that you’re testing or staging content
  • Areas of your website where metrics aren’t important to you
  • Areas of your website where you don’t want optimizations to run

How to add a domain or subdomain to the allowed domains list

Data for new domains/subdomains only begin to be collected after you’ve published your site. Data is not retroactively collected.

To add a domain:

  1. Go to the Insights tab
  2. Click General under Settings
  3. Click Add a new domain under Allowed Domains
  4. Enter a domain or subdomain
  5. Toggle Include subdomain? to Off if you don’t want to automatically include all subdomains
  6. Click Add domain
  7. Publish your site for the changes to take effect

How to remove a domain or or subdomain from the allowed domains list

To remove a domain:

  1. Go to the Insights tab
  2. Click General under Settings
  3. Click the Remove icon to the right of a domain listing
  4. Click OK to confirm
  5. Publish your site for the changes to take effect