Show and hide navigation bar on scroll


Build a navbar interaction that responds on scroll.

Make the navbar disappear

  1. Select the navbar and make sure its position is fixed to the viewport
  2. In the Interactions panel, choose Start an Animation from the When Scrolled Down menu
  3. Name it (e.g., “nav leave”)
  4. Click the plus sign next to Timed actions
  5. Under Move change the Y-axis until the navbar is outside the viewport
  6. Adjust your easing curve and duration

Make the navbar reappear

  1. Select the navbar
  2. In the Interactions panel, choose Start an Animation from the When Scrolled Up menu
  3. Name it (e.g., “nav enter”)
  4. Click the plus sign next to Timed actions
  5. Under Move change the Y-axis back to 0
  6. Adjust your easing curve and duration

Check your work in the preview.