Learn how to integrate Salesforce with Webflow Optimize.
You can integrate Webflow Optimize with Salesforce to target and report on visitors who match with Salesforce data. Then, you can create rules-based audiences to deliver tailor-made optimizations. From your results you’ll have increased information about who’s engaging with your site and which variations resonate with which type of visitor.
How to import Salesforce data into Webflow
Someone with Salesforce admin permissions needs to sign in to grant Webflow Optimize access. You can then import up to 20 fields per table (e.g., Account, Opportunity, Contact, or Lead).
To import Salesforce data into Webflow, first go to the Webflow Designer, then:
- Open the Insights panel
- Go to Integrations > Salesforce
- Click Set up
- Click Sign in to Salesforce
- Accept the permissions request to allow Salesforce data to import
- Click Import under a table you want to import
- Choose the fields to import
- Click Save
The import process can take 30 minutes to complete.
What does Webflow Optimize write to Salesforce?
When you sign in to Salesforce, a notice indicates that data can be written to Salesforce by Webflow. Webflow writes a record identifier that is used by Webflow Optimize sync called: Intellimize_Record_Id__c. For each outbound link you create or field you sync, Webflow writes one new field to the corresponding Salesforce object.
Webflow writes to the corresponding object you've configured to import (i.e., Contact or Lead).
Webflow writes to Salesforce and imports new Salesforce data each time a sync occurs. An on-demand sync is triggered when you first integrate. After that, a scheduled sync happens once daily. You can also trigger an on-demand sync from the Insights panel > Integrations > Salesforce.